Consulting Services

Consulting Services

AVC Provides you with actionable insights about your business and how you can get stable IT solutions that will serve your organization and give you a competitive edge for years to come. Tap into a unique perspective of what works and what doesn’t work. We will help you to benchmark, strategize and prioritize your Information technology solutions to make you more efficient and stable today and strategically profitable tomorrow.

Optimize , analyze and utilize data using latest technologies in Artificial Intelligent (AI) solutions by Microsoft, Amazon AI , IBM Watson, Business Intelligence (BI) analytics among other solutions. We adhere to the ITIL Service Operations concepts to deliver consistent and predictable results to our customers. We provide KB (Knowledge Base) articles to provide long-term service delivery and lifecycle of the products and services that we deliver.

Remote Worker Setup:
We are dedicated to enable secure remote work access for your staff. We realize that organizations are more focussed on preparedness and maintaining business operations when disruptions like C19 occur. AVC is making the following offer to help quick transition to a productive and secure remote workforce.

Expand VPN capacity as needed for more remote access demand.

Implement 2-Factor / Multi – Factor authentication using mobile app.

Help remote employees enable secure Wi-Fi networks at home.

Teach employees how to avoid falling victim to cybersecurity attacks while working remote / at home.

We provide the highest grade security solutions with cryptographic security of IKEv2 using IPSec or mobile VPN using SSL’s Transport Layer Security (TLS) to secure connections between the remote worker’s computer and your corporate network.

Some of the features your remote workforce will enjoy that makes our product superior to other competitors are:

Seamless roaming – users can change from one internet communication medium (Wireless / LAN / 3G / 4G / 5G) to another without dropping the VPN connection. You may be working in a coffee shop with VPN on, then come home and connect to your home Wi-Fi – the VPN connection does not drop.

Windows Pre-Logon – For easy access, Windows and VPN login credentials are matched so that users can log in to Windows domain even if not in the network.


We will help you build best practices for your IT organization around continuous IT security measures and strategies that will ensure you minimize the risk of your organization IT security breaches.